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LIDEX scrap shears

LIDEX scrap shears

LIDEX side compression shears are static heavy-duty machines, ideally suited for pressing and cutting all types of scrap metal, including heavy and bulky scraps. LIDEX machines are the only ones on the market to offer a complete automatic cycle, combining the dropping of scraps from the pre-load table into the compression box, the closing of the box, the pre-compression of the log and the cutting cycle. Thanks to innovative patented technologies, LIDEX machines are extremely fast and offer incomparable compression power, which is essential for recyclers and steelmakers. LIDEX machines are available with cutting forces ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 tons, with production levels of up to 130 tons/hour.


  • Scrap Processing
  • Shear
  • Baler
  • Recycling
  • Baler Shear



Copex is specialised in the design and manufacture of high-performance machines for the volume reduction of all types of solid materials, including scraps, metals, MSW, CIW, RDF, WEEE, biomass, paper and cardboard, metal cans, agricultural and plant fibres…

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