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CT-DIAG, our Cybersecurity Diagnostic service, empowers businesses with robust protection.
The process involves:

  1. installing a probe
  2. a one-hour audit with the IT manager
  3. comprehensive vulnerability analysis

Executives benefit from a simple and accessible report, while the IT manager receives an in-depth analysis, covering internal and external surfaces of the IT system. This exhaustive approach guarantees a thorough understanding of vulnerabilities.
The in-person presentation includes a detailed action plan, prioritizing urgent measures.

With CT-DIAG, businesses gain peace of mind, armed with actionable insights to fortify their cybersecurity posture effectively.


  • Cyber Diagnostic
  • Cybersecurity Monitoring
  • Cybersecurity Remediation
  • SOC
  • Incident Response



We offer comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to SMEs and mid-sized enterprises across various sectors. Our services include Cybersecurity Diagnostics and Managed External SOC, supported by in-house developed tools, ensuring sovereignty for our clients.

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