Your are interested by: ARIADNEXT, Check’

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Do you think that printing, signing, scanning and sending a PDF document by email is inconvenient and a waste of time?
It's old-fashioned and can turn into lost conversions.

There has to be a better way!

The Check’ electronic signature enables companies to make substantial savings: it optimizes the contract process, saves times, and boosts the business and corporate image.

Certified, secure and fast, Check’ electronic signature solutionis easy to integrate and to use, accessible to all customers.

Boost your business with electronic signatures!


  • Electronic signature
  • Online signing solutions
  • eIDAS regulation
  • Sign contract electronically
  • Strengthen security



Trust is our foundation, Identity is what we do.
We do Identity.

Making the digital world a safer place for everyone by preventing fraud and offering the best possible user experience under European standards and regulations: this is ARIADNEXT’s mission. Its solutions solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning have already attracted more than 300 customers in Europe, making the company the leading European provider of solid digital identification services.

Discover more about ARIADNEXT

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