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BIOBLEUD has been producing organic products for more than 30 years, offering a complete range of ready rolled pastries and also different kinds of Breton “crêpes”, pancakes and blinis.

Biobleud has been a 100% ORGANIC company since its creation more than 30 years ago, a pioneer of organic in France.

Founded on strong human and environmental values, Biobleud remains faithful to its ethics and its original convictions: to have socially equitable and ecologically sustainable development!
Biobleud brand products are present in all French Organic store networks.

Biobleud manufactures and markets the widest range of organic ready-to-roll pie crusts in France, a range of 21 products including pie crusts, pancakes and pancakes, spreads as well as a RHD range.

For us, an organic product must be healthy, environmentally friendly and tasty. We select our raw materials based on their taste and nutritional qualities, their technological qualities and also their French origins. We maintain artisanal recipes and practices, thus avoiding the need to add additives.


360 rue André Turcat - ZAE MESCODEN


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